Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sepia Scenes: A Closet Full of Memories

A storage closet at the Bradford County Farm Museum. It is filled with memories from a bygone time.
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  1. A storage closet? What a great find. Looks great in sepia without even trying. Loved your tulip and daff shots below.

  2. That's a great idea for a sepia photo - Perfect! It absolutely looks authentic!

  3. Great shot that makes me ponder about all the history and people that owned those things.

  4. love this shot of treasured items, the door in particular draws my attention. I can tell you the round things on the floor are sewer tapes--my dad had a number of them for cleaning out the seweres in our old home. Stop by to see my sepia scene

  5. For a minute, I thought you were going to say it was a closet in your home! A great rendition for all that history.


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