Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just Riding My Bike

A couple of boys riding in the Mansfield, PA Fabulous 1890s Weekend Parade a couple of years ago. Mansfield is the site of the first football game played "under the lights" in 1892.
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  1. I was immediately struck by the boys' clothes, especially the boy in the foreground. I expect him to rise up with a newspaper in his yelling, "Get yer paper! Read all about it!"

  2. That's really cool. The sepia and the clothing give it a great old timey look. But the bike and the scooter contrast that. It all keeps the eye looking around for more.

  3. What a perfect shot for sepia. I love their clothes.

  4. Toys have changed over the decades, but the smile on a child's face will always embody bliss. Love the photo!

  5. Super cool reenactment. Love the clothing as well.

  6. Perfect shot for sepia!
    I really love this shot :)

    Mine is up too!

  7. With the hats, the 1890s comes alive. I know the bicycle is not a period piece, but it looks like the 1890s as well due to the aging effects of sepia work so well here!

  8. Great photo, and a great choice for a sepia shot.

  9. that looks so sweet in sepia Hope you can stop by to see my sepia scene Thanks!

  10. so cute, looks like you traveld back in time. Hope you can stop by to see my sepia scene Thanks!

  11. Great shot! i have to agree on the clothes! and i do know about the first football game under the lights! I don't know if this is still the case, but when my husband went to Mansfield high school they did not have football.

  12. Thanks for all the comments. Deb, Mansfield High still does not have football, and sadly, neither does Mansfield University. They have switched to a different type of football, whose name escapes me at the moment.

  13. Nice story you got here. It would be great to read a bit more concerning this theme. Thanx for sharing that information.
    Joan Stepsen
    Gifts geek


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